Sunday, November 03, 2002

i don't have anything against Ps Khong. Sometimes, words on a webpage seem so emotionless, no? I mean no impunity.

The thing is, apostles had the privilige of authority in their words (that's why they could write most of the New Testament). The words they spoke were the irrefutable Words of God. Today, as evidenced by Revelation 22:18-21, all that is recorded in the Bible is final. By induction, apostles (in the sense of Paul, Barnabus and the Twelve) cannot exist today. Like I said, the classical definition of "apostle" is one who walked, talked and tarried with Jesus Christ in the flesh. Again, no one can claim that today for Jesus is in heaven now. Thirdly, in Acts 1, only the apostles themselves could appoint another apostle to replace Judas.

Ethel, by your definition of "apostle", many would qualify! It clearly doesn't add up to claim that apostles can be appointed by us today. I reiterate my stand: Yes, there is an issue to be grappled with, but I shall not let anyone engulf his entire pilgrimage in trying to bring down one man...

I tell you this, Ps Khong is quite a convincing actor!~ That's my very first impression of him... haha

Do not judge when you have not interacted and experienced it for youself.
So, again, by induction, I can't say that drugs, sex and pornography are horrible, unless I've actually tried it myself?


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