Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Personally in as much as the hostages could have done something it also depends on what the situation is like. Like in the world Trade Center attacks another plane that was bound for the White House was averted as the passengers had the courage to sacrifice their lives so that others would continue to live. But come to think of it they probably knew that they were probably going to die anyway. Nevertheless I do agree that hostages are not powerless, but one has to consider all facts first. For example, in this case all the terrorists had explosives strapped to themselves. One signal and the entire theatre would blow. It is simply not prudent for the hostages to do anything in the first place.

Personally I am not extremely happy about the ending of the hostage crisis due to the way that was done. In as much as Russia has people to spare (and trust me they DO have a lot of people) using paralysing gas that eventually killed 227 of the hostages was definitely not the way to go. The hostages did not choose to be martyrs in this case. The Government chose it for them.

About the whole faith truth issue...I do agree with Joses that there cannot be two equally valid equally right views of something. Either it is right or it is wrong. That is why in as much as Roman Catholics share many similar things to us they are fundamentally different. As to who is right...apart from having the faith that we are right we don't really know do we? Only at the end of days will all things come to light to all. By then it will be too late for some. So are we right? Or wrong? That is a personal decision that all have to make in some point in time. We have made this decision but a lot of people have not. REminds me a little of that Indian Poker session at Joses' place the other time actually. No one really knows for certain.


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