Monday, October 28, 2002

things are heating up. *brrr*
ok. firstly. I long for the day when all believers are gathered at Jerusalem's temple and, with the glory of King Jesus raining light on us, we shall cry Holy, Holy, Holy! And the whole of ephesians 4 stresses the need to put aside differences in abilities and be united. Unity is something I have longed for in the church.

but look, there are differing schools of thought of every aspect of the faith. While some are "non-essential" eg "is the four-headed beast in Revelation literal?", others must be dealt with. More fundamental ones are, "Is the creation account literal?" and "What about the Roman Catholics?" The early church faced such a situation: what with the necessity of circumcision or the eating of food sacrificed to idols. Being made up of fallible humans, it's no different today.

the thing is, people on both sides of the issue(s) cannot be both right. This is simply because they contradict each other. One must be right, the other wrong. There ain't no "well, as long as we believe Jesus came in the flesh, died for us, and rose again, it's OK!" (although that should be a basis for amicable contact). Furthermore, if we are to weed out false teachers, we have to hold steadfastly w/o compromise to the truth.

Simply, my debunking of appointing apostles today is found in Acts 1:21-22 and 2 Cor 12:11-13 --> an apostle is someone who walked and talked with the incarnate Lord Jesus in the flesh, face to face. Obviously, that can't happen today because Jesus is now in heaven. (Acts 1 again). Furthermore, apostles had the authority to deliver God's very Word.. ie Paul's writing of the Epistles. Can anyone have that authority today? It's not about how much he's done in the church or his character. No one can grant apostleship anyway; only God can.
Of course, I am very open to any rebuttals of my points.

Ethel, I'm sorry if it seems as if I want to sow discord; far from it! I point out certain fallacies to build up the body of Christ as Ephesians 4 calls for. I do not demean anyone (or don't deliberately) --> go check my posts haha! It's as if you can't be friends with whom you disagree with; utter nonsense! It is because I care for you as a fellow believer that I point out dubious teachings! Your desire for peace rather than war is understandable; but it cannot come at the expense of the "faith that was once for all entrusted to all saints." (jude 3) It's about discerning right from wrong, not about making friends and enemies.


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