Friday, November 01, 2002

i would agree with the bulk of your sentiments, ethel. Firstly, Hebrews 6 refers to "repentance from useless rituals". Paul implies that, while some rites are ultimately useless (eg bowing to idols, circumcision), there are those that are useful and important. Like the communion and baptism.

So ethel, to further illuminate your point, we should not be concerned about differences in the way certain rites are performed in different churches. You words give one the impression that rites don't matter(which is, of course, not your point, right?)

But your comparison of God with a rock star is INVALID! I used to fall into that trap, calling Jesus "the greatest rock star". God isn't someone who "performs" for us on the heavenly stage and simply "makes us feel good". He doesn't strut and preen for our pleasure! This full-time YFC worker I know even went as far to term the attitudes that some of today's worshippers have as "spiritual masturbation". All some people want to get is a "spiritual high" on Sunday mornings, a dose of feel-good music and dancing that can't go wrong (c'mon, it's in a church, right?)

Do we enter into the sanctuary of God to have a good time only? Or to truly seek the Saviour of our souls, that we may simply worship, no more no less?


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